It’s been a while.

Wow. When I said I was busy and wouldn’t be updated my blog for a while, I didn’t expect it to be such a long break. I feel like AuzzieGamer right now (though unlike him, I’m sure no one really missed me).

I’ve finished my degree and have actually been taking a break from writing these past couple of months. It’s been nice to just read and refuel after such an essay/creative writing-heavy few years. And despite the quantity of work I’ve written, I feel like I’ve stagnated as a writer these past couple of years. Hopefully I’ll get out of my rut soon, since nothing beats writing as a creative outlet for me.

In the mean time, I thought I’d post reviews of some of the books I’ve been reading. I’m actually completing the Around the World in 80 Books challenge I found on Goodreads, so thought it’d be fun to document my experience. It’s been slow going what with the end of university and finding time between web development, learning Korean and work, but I think taking it at my own pace is best. I’ve spent the past three years speed-reading – now it’s time for a break.

Since I’ve already read a few books for a few different countries, I’ll be writing the reviews for them over the next few weeks (actually, looking back on this post, I think that’s a little ambitious. I would say over the next few months, I’ll be trying to get back to blogging regularly, so reviews might be slow). I’m starting where I live – in England – and moving out. The main rule I’m following is that I can’t jump around to different countries but must act as though I’m travelling in Jules Vernes’ time, so either to the next nearest country or by boat to another continent. The author must also be from the country in question and the book must be set in that place too. If it is a fantasy world, I think the place defaults to the author’s home country.

I read Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro for England. Stay tuned for my thoughts in the coming weeks.


Wow, I drafted this post a long time ago. Times have moved on, and though I am not writing as much as I used to, I have been doing some creative writing in Korean. I’ve found that it is easier to think of new, fresh ideas in a different language, plus it’s been great as a method for practising Korean. So I thought I’d post the (very short) stories here, in both Korean and English. If anyone knows Korean, I would love corrections and feedback… actually, even for the English version, I would also love corrections and feedback!

Here’s to 2016!